Group: Kimberly Dellapaolera

Tell us about your experience.

My jury research and consulting experience includes mock jury exercises, jury selection, social media research, shadow juries and post-trial interviews across many litigation categories. Prior to joining JurySync, I worked as an independent Litigation Consultant assisting legal and behavioral consulting firms with jury research and selection on complex civil and criminal cases. During graduate school,… more Tell us about your experience.

Tell us about your education background.

I earned a dual PhD/MLS degree in Law and Psychology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. My principal areas of graduate research were eyewitness memory and juror/jury decision-making. I also earned a BA in Psychology from the University of North Dakota.

What do you like best about JurySync?

JurySync’s collaborative environment. Each consultant brings their own perspective to the case based on their professional and personal experiences. The benefit of our collaboration is if one of us is stumped the rest of the team works together to produce a solution. Being a part of a team that embraces collaboration is exciting.

Where and how did you grow up?

I grew up in a small town in northern Minnesota. Every summer we took a family vacation traveling around the U.S. and Canada by truck or motorcycle, camping the entire way. We rarely stayed at a campsite more than one night, so my siblings and I lovingly called these vacations, “adventures.”

What are you known for among people closest to you?

I’m known for my strong inner drive to work hard and get things done in a relationship-oriented context. People tell me I have an exceptional memory, as I am often able to recall specific dates and numbers without much effort.