Publications and Presentations
Rivard, J. R., Carlson, V., LaBat, D., & Schreiber Compo, N. (2023). The delayed impact of informed versus blind interviewing on eyewitness memory. Legal and Criminological Psychology.
Rivard, J. R., LaBat, D. E., Carlson, V., & Schreiber Compo, N. (2024). The effect of pre-interview knowledge and instructions on interviewer memory. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling.
Carlson, V. (2024, April). The Guided Emergency Messaging Tool- Structuring 911 Texting Services for Information Gain. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychology Graduate Flash Talks at Florida International University.
Carlson, V., Sparacino, M., Evans, J.R., Russano, M., & Houston, K (2024, March). The Impact of Briefing Interpreters on Immediate and Delayed Recall for Interpreted Interrogations. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Los Angeles, CA.
Carlson, V. & Evans, J.R (2024, March). The Guided Emergency Messaging Tool: Structuring 911 Texting Services for Information Gain. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Los Angeles, CA.
Sparacino, M., Carlson, V., Evans, J.R., Russano, M., & Houston, K. Recall of Interpreted Interrogations. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Los Angeles, CA.
Margolles, E., Carlson, V., LaBat, D.E., & Schreiber Compo, N. (2024, March). “Blind” Investigative Interviewing and its Effects on Witness Reporting. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Los Angeles, CA.
Lemes, G., Schreiber Compo, N., Dawson, H., & Carlson, V (2024, March). Mock-Jurors’ Perceptions of Eyewitness Inconsistencies. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Los Angeles, CA.
Carlson, V. (2023, May). Improving 911 Texting Services with a Guided Emergency Messaging Tool. [Oral Presentation]. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychology Graduate Flash Talks at Florida International University.
Carlson, V., Sparacino, M., Evans, J.R., Russano, M., & Houston, K. (2023, June). Recalling Interpreted Interrogations: A Comparison of Interpreters and Observers. Virtual presentation at the annual meeting of the Global Forensic Justice Center’s Forensic Science Symposium.
Carlson, V., Mindthoff, A., Evans, J., Schreiber Compo, N., (2023, March). The Impact of Suspect Intoxication on Observers’ Ability to Discriminate Between True and False Denials. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Sparacino, M., Carlson, V., Evans, J.R., Russano, M., & Houston, K. (2023, March). Recall of Interpreted Interrogations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Sparacino, M., Carlson, V., Evans, J.R., Russano, M., & Houston, K. (2022, June). The Reliability of Interpreter Memory. Virtual presentation at the annual meeting of the Global Forensic Justice Center’s Forensic Science Symposium.
Carlson, V., Sparacino, M., Evans, J., Russano, M., Houston, K., (2022, May). Interpreters’ Memories for their Interpreted Interactions. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychology Graduate Flash Talks at Florida International University.
Carlson, V., Sparacino, M., Evans, J., Russano, M., Houston, K., (2022, March). Interpreters’ Memories for their Interpreted Interactions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Denver, CO.
Carlson, V., Mindthoff, A., Evans, J., Schreiber Compo, N., (2022, March). The Impact of Suspect Intoxication on Observers’ Ability to Discriminate Between True and False Denials [*cancelled due to COVID-19]. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Denver, CO.
Diego, C., Najarro, Z., LaBat, D. E., Carlson, V., Carol, R., Rivard, J. R., & Schreiber Compo, N., (2022, March). Interviewing Witnesses: Recall of Central and Peripheral Details. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society in Denver, CO.