Group: Matt Milano

Q: Tell us about your educational background.

I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology. My focus has been on understanding human motivation and helping litigators and witnesses communicate effectively with jurors. I went to grad school in Ohio, interned and started my trial consulting career in California, then moved to and opened offices in Texas, Florida, DC and Virginia.

Q: When do you think, “Man, I love what I do”?

Brainstorming with clients about how to convey complex or technical information and weave it into a cohesive story in a way that will resonate with jurors. Helping top corporate executives and expert witnesses communicate effectively at deposition and trial.

Q: What’s something you wish more defense attorneys knew?

Jurors want to know what a case is about, rather than what it is not about. Don’t spend time telling them or using sarcasm to communicate what it’s not about. Rather, tell jurors affirmatively what the case is about. Help them understand the complexities of the evidence and the motivations of the central parties.